Hello World!

My name is Stephanie Tracy. I’m a Canadian living a new American life since marrying my best friend just over three years ago, and I’m greatly looking forward to moving onward and upward in this path of being a freelance writer. 

The Wonderful World of Freelancing

I came across this career path while working as a tenant coordinator for a national rental company and wondering what more I could do to strengthen skills I had and to also better utilize those strengths? Not to mention wondering what more life had to offer outside of my office corner? 

One thing led to another and before I knew it I was introduced to the world of freelancing. 

It was mind-blowing for me to take in the many possibilities that were before me and how such possibilities could not only provide a source of income and a means for me to work from home, but to also unearth and use my current skills I was aware or unaware of. The options were endless and I felt so drawn to this path that I knew I would be foolish not to journey on. 

After almost a year of daily research, taking courses through AWOL, and networking, I knew it was time to make this into a reality. 

A month after moving forward however, I was faced with adversity and life changes. 

Road Block After Road Block

I found out I was becoming a first time mother, and my husband and I were absolutely thrilled! But with that joy came not only the usual morning sickness, but three months of throwing up every single day and resorting to a peanut butter and honey sandwich diet (literally), losing over 20 pounds, and then to top it off, experiencing the pain and agony of passing 7 kidney stones to date! 

Because of the toll my pregnancy had on my body, I was unable to move forward on my career path, let alone work at all or leave my home for months. 

This was so overwhelming and frustrating, which ultimately sent me on an emotional roller coaster that led to depression and anxiety. 

But I have found that through adversity and changes, all necessary for us to progress in this life, I gained a new found strength to press forward and not give up. On my career path and myself. 

Here I Stand and Here I’ll Stay

So here I am, taking on this career path that I have worked so hard to make come to life, daily taking the punches and giving them back with added strength and determination. 

I am ready to create content on my blog that shows not only my skill set and value as a freelance writer, but also as a means to show how we are all connected as members of the human race. 

This space is to show that we are conquerors, we are overcomers, we can endure, and we can succeed. Whether that be in our work, in our home, in our community – wherever, whenever, always. Come what may. 

I know that through hard work and positive influence, we can be made better. And in time as we reach outside of ourselves, we can even become more united and aware of how we can best lift where we stand. 

Here’s to this freelance writing journey, the coming together of this blog space, and to great things to come! 

Now over to you, how have you chosen to overcome roadblocks in your life to bring a dream into reality?
Please comment below and share if this has been of value to you or could for to someone else.

**If you enjoyed this article, feel free to check out these other great & insightful posts:





About the Author 

Hi there! I’m Stephanie Tracy, a freelance writer and blogger for hire. I specialize in physical and mental health, parenting, and self-development. I create engaging, inspiring and useful content to help businesses progress in making their viewers into customers. When I’m not writing, you can find me on the floor happily playing with my baby boy, walking in the park with my family, or indulging in a movie marathon with my husband.