“Cheers to You, Oh Wonderful You” with Brittany Blommaert – Interview #1

Brittany Blommaert

Welcome to my new blog series “Cheers to You, Oh Wonderful You”, where we celebrate the ordinary yet extraordinary individuals around us. This series will be used as a space to connect, celebrate, and showcase the incredible people in our lives who ground us, teach us, and inspire us everyday.

My first interview was with none other than my amazing sister, Brittany Blommaert.

Brittany is a part of the War Amps Champ Program which offers comprehensive services for child amputees and their families, and she is a multiple amputee herself as a result of complications from Meningitis when she was a baby.

Brittany is currently entering her 3rd year as a Drama Major and Music Minor studying at Concordia University in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with the aspiration to become a High School Drama Teacher.

She is also actively involved in her church community, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

One random fact about Brittany is that she can lick her elbow.

Her favorite movie as of late is Roman Holiday and her favorite TV show as of late is Shadow & Bone on Netflix.

The following is my interview with Brittany which was an absolute joy to take part in and I hope you will enjoy and learn from it as I did.

Brittany, welcome to “Cheers to You, Oh Wonderful You”! Now up to this point in your life, has there been a failure you have had that later became a win for you?

Brittany: I think it was taking 2 years off after graduating high school before going into university. It was a really hard time in my life and that time off was definitely needed.

Before graduating high school I had no idea what I was going to do once I got into university, let alone if I was going to go at all. But my Drama teacher, Mr. Blackwell, really encouraged me on my career path in becoming a drama teacher. The more I thought about it and researched into it, it just made sense. It also helped me realize that I needed to upgrade to progress in my education, so I took the time to do that as well.

It was also perfect in the sense that when I did go into my first year of university, it ended up being one of my closest friends’ last year of university, which we didn’t know it at the time at the time, since she was debating on moving to Lethbridge. But in the end that didn’t end up happening and instead she is now in another province, married, and with a baby.

So the timing of when I went to university was perfect and ended up being worth it in the end with taking that break and strengthening that friendship. 

If you could talk to yourself back when you were graduating high school, what would be something that you would tell yourself?

Take a look around and enjoy it while it lasts. Honestly, I would encourage myself by saying to enjoy this final year being around these people, having this routine, and being in this stage of your life, in other words, to live it to your fullest. 

Who is one person that you can count on to be in your corner that you’re grateful for, and why?

Brittany: Gene Kelly haha (as she shows her Gene Kelly shirt she’s currently wearing).

As much as I wish that were true, I would have to say it’s my closest friend Jasmine.

She’s helped me through a lot of difficult times in my life. Even though we’ve only been friends for coming up 2 years, thank you Captain Marvel for being my reference for how long our friendship has gone on for since that was one of our first friend dates.

I feel like we’ve known each other our whole lives. We have the same sense of humor, we’ve gone through similar experiences, we’re both hardcore fangirls so we understand that world, and she immediately knows how to cheer me up when I need it. Plus she’s a very understanding and loving person. 

Who has played a vital role as mentor in your life?

Brittany: *Points to me* Brown noser, trying to gain sister points.

Honestly it’s because you and I are so alike in how we make choices and personality wise. And it’s hard not to choose you because you’ve known me my whole, so who better? You always have the right things to say, whether I want to hear them or not, and what you say is always needed. I know that everything you say comes from a place of love and no judgement. You perfectly fit the big sister role! 

You are far too kind, thank you my dear!

When things aren’t going in the direction you were hoping, what have you found has usually been the right next step for you?

Brittany: Honestly taking some time on my own and if need be having a good, healthy cry session just to get those pent up, negative emotions out of my system if things are really not going the way I was hoping.

I can get really overwhelmed with knowing what to do, but once I get finished with calming myself down a little, I pray to my Heavenly Father for His direction and comfort. 

What is something you do that you enjoy that helps to calm and slow you down?

Brittany: It’s so cliche but listening to music, and also reading my books cause I have a ton. Especially with it being summer I’m trying to actually read through all of them. 

Plus when I need a little extra care, I make sure to treat myself by watching a lot of old Hollywood movies, going thrifting or to bookstores, and having a big bowl of pasta. That all adds up in helping and lifting my spirits.

What are three skills you have developed that you are proud of yourself for?

Brittany: Cross-stitching, it’s very time consuming and frustrating but it’s pretty at the end.

And it’s so weird because when I do it I’m either watching something or I’m listening to one song on repeat and it has to be really loud, that being “Drag Me Down” by One Direction. I’ve tried cross-stitching with other songs but I don’t get the same motivation with other songs as I do with that one. It’s my go to cross-stitch jam. I’m totally calling myself out, but there we go.

Huh, skills. “Like nunchuck skills, computer hacking skills…” thank you Napoleon Dynamite.

In all seriousness, a skill I’ve been working on for a while now is my singing. For the longest time, I was just self taught. But then after taking voice lessons during my two year break from high school to university, and now taking it in school with the best vocal teacher I could have been grateful enough to have, it has been amazing getting that extra training.

And I think going along with that, with singing I’m able to learn different languages and they’re so pretty. The skill in proper diction and its importance alone has made me more aware of its role in being clear and giving justice to the songs and language itself. It’s one of your responsibilities as a singer to continue the songs legacy and of showcasing the art of the composer and lyricist by how you express and present the song.

My third skill would have to be self-confidence or self-love. I’ve always had a difficult time with that and I’m finally getting the hang of it after 22 years. It’s been a long but worth-while journey, and it honestly feels amazing to have, and even though I’m still working on it, it’s made a big impact in my life.

Impact how?

Brittany: Just how I carry myself through the day towards my thoughts about myself and how I see myself. It’s like night and day the difference that it’s made in that area of my life. 

Do you feel that gaining that self-love is freeing?

Brittany: Very much so. I don’t feel as held back as I have before. Or worn down. 

What are some key elements in your environment, whether that’s in your home, creative space, or work space, that encourages and inspires you?

Brittany: Um, my perfectly placed quote that reads, “You are truly royal spirit daughters of Almighty God. You are princesses, destined to become Queens. Your own wondrous story has already begun. Your “once upon a time” is now.” by Dieter F. Uchtdorf. I see it all the time while I’m in bed, hence being perfectly placed.

It helps me towards my journey of self love and self confidence as it allows me to be reminded of my potential and how my Heavenly Father sees me. Plus I’m such a nerd with fairy tales so it gives me all the feels of “I’m a princess destined to be a queen” and that’s pretty cool. 

What are three reasons that you have had to celebrate lately?

Brittany: Well first off, I’m gonna see my celebrity crush in June aka Tom Hiddleston. He’s doing a publicity panel for his upcoming TV show “Loki” that’s coming out the same day as the panel and I get to  be a part of it LIVE, and it’ll be done alongside other Marvel actors who have had their own Marvel TV shows. 

I also read 6 chapters of a book in under an hour and I felt so accomplished.

And I decluttered my room a whole lot! 

What is one piece of advice that you find yourself thinking back on and striving to implement the most often?

Brittany: Good thing I’m on my laptop. *commences search* Can I do two?

For sure.

Brittany: For the longest time my quote of choice was from Roman Holiday, “Wake up.” “No thank you.”

Truer words were never spoken.

Brittany: That’s why Audrey Hepburn won the Oscar. And that’s why it’s my favorite movie. *starts laughing* It’s so good. That was honestly the very first quote that came into my head. Now the other one is, “We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize that we only have one.” – Tom Hiddleston.

Wow, that’s deep!

Brittany: Right? My man! It gives me the motivation to live my life to the fullest and to live a life that’s open to its endless possibilities. 

What are three things you have been particularly grateful for this past week or month?

The gorgeous weather outside and actually getting to see a blue sky. And going along with that, waking up to the sound of birds not magpies.

Also I’m grateful for the technology we have to talk with family members and friends to keep those connections going and going strong.

What do you feel have been key factors in shaping who you are today?

The people that I’m around through their personalities. I strive to reflect the best in others into who I’m striving to be. Also I feel that the experiences I’ve had involving guys I’ve liked or dated has helped me to realize how strong I am and my true worth.

What do you feel have been some key habits in shaping who you are today?

Music has helped enhance my voice skills and what I want to do career wise with my life, but it also plays a key factor in how I start my day. Every morning I listen to old time music from the 1930s-1950s era to give me that extra sunshine and boost to my day.

Reading is another key habit for me as well. To quote the classic Nick Miller, “I’m not fully convinced I know how to read. I just memorized a bunch of words.” Shout out to New Girl!

But honestly, I guess reading as a habit has helped me to stay connected to my childhood by expanding upon that child-like wonder and imagination as I’ve delved into adulthood. People tend to lose that as they grow up and I wanted to be sure I kept that to stay in tune with that younger, curious part of myself as I grew up, and I’ve really gained that through reading.

Brittany, thank you so much for taking part in this interview it has been such a pleasure. Do you have any closing words for the people at home reading this?

When all else fails, turn to pudding, graham crackers, a cozy blanket, and your favorite movie.

Wise words child. Wise words.


Thank you again for taking part in and reading my first interview for my new blog series “Cheers to You, Oh Wonderful You” with my sister Brittany.

Referencing back to Brittany’s skill of singing, check out her YouTube Channel where she has made covers from multiple genres across the board. From Hamilton to Backstreet Boys to ’50s classics, you’ll be transported through her soulful, soothing, strong pipes. The link to Brittany’s channel is listed below for you to check out, enjoy, like 👍🏻, and subscribe.

🎉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJFmnHOX8ea7NuqZaBB_MhA 🎉

What has been a piece of advice that you find yourself thinking back on and striving to implement into your life? Comment below and share this blog post if it has been of value to you or could be to someone else.

If you have someone in mind that you think I should interview for this blog series, please let me know by contacting me either through my work email: stephanietracy26@gmail.com or my work Facebook page: Stephanie Tracy Writes.

About the Author 

Hi there! I’m Stephanie Tracy, a freelance writer, blogger, and copy editor for hire. I specialize in physical and mental health, parenting, and self-development. I create engaging, inspiring and useful content to help businesses progress in making their viewers into customers. When I’m not writing, you can find me happily playing with my toddler, walking in the park with my family, or indulging in a movie marathon with my husband.  

4 thoughts on ““Cheers to You, Oh Wonderful You” with Brittany Blommaert – Interview #1

  1. Cindy Suelzle says:

    I love this Stephanie! Loved getting to know Brittany better and you as well. I look forward to my next trad with you 😉

    1. stephanietracy26 says:

      Thank you so much Cindy!
      I’m so glad you enjoyed this interview and hope you’ll enjoy & find value in my future content as well! 🙂

  2. Colby Crossley says:

    Ah! What a delightful interview with your sister! Brittany’s soul shines through her words. She is a beautiful person inside and out. I would love to hear what she thinks of Loki by the way. Great series. This is wholesome and it grants the reader a fun perspective. I’m looking forward to seeing more people you interview, and what others have to offer.

    1. stephanietracy26 says:

      Thank you so much Colby!!
      It is a project I’ve felt driven to create and it has been such a humbling, wondrous experience thus far.
      I hope you will continue to read, enjoy, and gain value from the interviews to come!

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